Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Future Plans and Hopes For This Blog

2016 has been an absolutely insane year for me, and because of that my overall frequency of blog posts have been--well, pretty much the same as last year. However, despite posting very infrequently and never promoting this blog outside of a vagrant tweet I'm extremely proud of my viewer stats which has somehow jumped up to 2,000 total views since I began posting in 2015. I know it's not much, especially compared to how quickly some social media presences seem to explode these days, but I personally blame my own shyness and the platform I'm working on.

While I do have a Youtube channel, I post there with even less frequency than the Subjective Objective blog and it's mostly just there to show that I can in fact edit video at the same level as a ten-year-old. I'd be lying if I said I'm not in this for recognition; I thrive on validation and check my stats every day to see if somehow my numbers have skyrocketed through sorcery or whatever. That said, the fact that this blog gets views at all (my Walking Dead piece got triple digits!) warms my heart and pushes me to continue expanding the scope of my reviews.

As such, I decided to post a little update for the consistent two dozen or so viewers this blog gets. Hopefully, word of mouth will spread before either the heat death of the universe or me eventually giving up on all this. So without further ado, here are some goals I have for Subjective Objective in 2017:

1: More consistent updates.
-When I started Subjective Objective, my initial goal was to have a public review site to dump my thoughts on movies or games. Before I moved to Blogspot I had been updating on Facebook via notes largely due to being insecure about my stupid goblin face and bad opinions, but so far the only feedback has been constructive dialogue. No commenting on my goblin face, no public haranguing. I'm going to take the silence as encouragement so expect to see me at least making the attempt to post more than one blog a month.

2: More articles.
-Earlier this year I began experimenting with various types of articles, from updates on E3 2016 to opinion pieces on a range of topics. I enjoyed doing these and plan to comment on more diverse subjects. My plan is to alienate all of my friends and family by June, so please make an effort to get tired of my posts before then.

3: Video-article crossovers
-This isn't so much a new idea for the blog as it is an expansion of what I'd been doing previously. For my reviews of Deus Ex and Gravity Rush, I posted a transcript of my Youtube review while supplying a link to the video. I enjoy doing these supplemental pieces but I know very few of you want to hear my drooling hillbilly voice. My passion is in writing in the first place; with that in mind, I'll likely be posting in-depth game reviews and posting a shorter version on my Youtube channel.

4: Retrospective reviews
-Major retrospectives are the focal point of my plans for the future, and it's one of the main reasons I'm more or less focusing my efforts on the blog. I don't have time or money to create huge video reviews, get off me, cretins. For a bit of a preview, here are some franchises I plan on tackling as part of these retrospectives:

Star Wars (Original trilogy, prequels, then newer movies)
Xenogears, followed by Xenosaga and Xenoblade
The Godfather

And so on. If there are multiple entries, I want to tackle it in a retrospective.

5: Podcast
-I really don't want to go into much detail about this one, but I'm very close to getting a podcast running. The co-host is someone who's contributed to my videos and I'm very excited to share more if I can ever convince her to join my efforts to rule the galaxy.

6: Patreon
-Yeah, I'm going to crawl over to Struggling Liberal Arts Welfare at some point next year. I don't expect anything out of it, but I figure if I'm doing all this I might as well go all the way. Details are forthcoming, but please keep an eye on my page so I can buy food and not die.


That's about it, I just wanted to tell the small handful of you who read this with consistency that Subjective Objective is going to be a big part of my life in 2017. I'm excited to share more with you and hope this tiny blog can reach more people as the year goes on.

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