For those who expected me to be dead: sorry. For the others who enjoy my annual Top Ten Games of the Year list, I regret to say that this year's list will have to be postponed until at least January. There were a ton of great games in 2017, lots of which I haven't had time to even look at, and I want to make sure that I finish all the games that are of interest to me before finalizing my list. I already have a good idea of what it will look like, but there are more than a few stand-outs that I simply haven't had time for.
Unlike professional game journalists who are paid for this sort of stuff, I actually want to finish the games I talk about rather than take a look for an hour, read the blurb on the back of the box, and make a decision. I announced this a few months ago but it bears repeating: I'm knee-deep in writing my first novel, and as of this post I'm actually editing the first draft. That goes before playing (and ranking) video games. I hope you understand. That said, I expect like fifty people ever to read the list when it gets finished anyway.
In any case, stay tuned to this spot for updates.